Wellness Wednesday Blog Series: How Are YOU Feeling - Part I

“Wellness is the sum of all the positive steps you take in order to lead a healthier life.”

The Rocky Mountain Spa & Wellness Association dedicates the first week of every month to all things wellness.

In this three part blog series contributing author, Ellie Whalen, will explore simple steps we can take to get our health on track and live WELL!

Self-Assessment & Awareness

Your know your body better than anyone else, so pay attention to it! What is your body telling you? Consider symptoms as data & LISTEN to them!

Main Aspects of Personal Health

Medical, physical, emotional & social health are some of the components of wellness. Together they make up how you feel everyday.

How Can You FEEL Better Everyday?

  • Determine your baseline in each area
  • Create wellness goals in each area
  • Set a plan with specific actions to take
  • Monitor results & make adjustments

Your Body – Your Responsibility

Medical Health Encompasses A LOT! Unfortunately, it is not often discussed as a component of wellness. For many, Medical Health triggers thoughts of doctors’ offices, being sick and not being in control. But times have changes and today it is easier & more important than ever to monitor & improve your medical health.

Accessing medical records electronically is easier today. Look back, track changes in weight, BMI, blood pressure, blood work etc. Many medical data points can be improved with lifestyle adjustments, so set a goal, set an action plan and make daily changes. Your goal could be to lower a data point like BMI or it could be to get sick less frequently. No matter the goals, you can have a positive impact on your overall wellness by being more aware, informed and by making simple daily adjustments. Start by listening to your body & practice daily self-care, everyday!

Physical & Emotional Health

Research is pretty clear on this one: a healthy body and mind go hand-in-hand. Keeping your mind healthy and feeling well is easier when your body is healthy and fit. Similarly, maintaining or improving your physical health and fitness is easier when your mind if in a better place.

The 3 biggies of Physical Health include activity, nutrition and sleep. Assess how you are doing in each area. If needing improvement, set a goal and make little daily changes. If you are not very active, start walking a little bit each day, then build on it. To assess your nutrition we suggest tracking everything you eat for 2 weeks. Then chart out something you can reduce, drop or substitute with a healthier option. Maybe skip alcohol on weekdays or eating vegetarian 2 dinners a week. Being consistent is your greatest health tool! PS – take a good multi-vitamin!

Stay tuned for Part II launching Wednesday, May 5!




Ellie spent the last 25 years working in marketing, sales, operations and management with innovative and luxury brands such as Swatch Watch, Christian Dior and Sprayology.

As part of the founding Sprayology team in 1999, her fingerprint has been on every aspect of the brand. Ellie’s endless efforts and innovative spirit have been paramount in the creation, direction and growth of the company. Her well-rounded talents are highlighted by her natural sales and marketing ability and her passion for health, wellness and the Sprayology brand.